Creating a Japanese rock garden in the country: step-by-step instructions for achieving harmony
0 3669 11/13/2015 3 Installation of tsukubai in the rock garden 3.1 Stages of installation on the site
How to make beautiful garden trellises for climbing plants with your own hands: varieties, materials, manufacturing tips
01/14/2020 Climbing vines can perfectly decorate landscape design. They are used as hedges,
Preparing your lawn for winter
Preparing the lawn for winter: what to do in the fall so that the lawn winters well
Lawn care in the fall and preparation for winter include several simple procedures: timely mowing,
Decorative fern on your site: cultivation and care, views with photos
Short description Despite serious differences in size, cycles, even forms of life (there are herbaceous
Muscari: photo, description, varieties, breeding and care features
February 18, 2019 Flowers Anastasia Efremenkova Muscari has several names. This plant is also
Well in the country: modern design and arrangement ideas (27 photos)
People who are far from agriculture and do not have dachas associate a well on their property with
Moisture-loving plants and shrubs for a summer cottage
A dacha plot with waterlogged or too damp soil is not yet a reason to develop
Questions about arranging a pond at the dacha: situations and nuances
A pond is a wonderful decoration of any site, a fashionable element of landscape design. Great in the water
How to grow an orange tree at home, photos and recommendations
Passionate flower growers will be able to grow fruits from seeds that grow in the tropics at home.
Diseases and pests of dracaena: types and methods of treatment
Temperature and air humidity Dracaena feels comfortable at temperatures of 18-28 degrees.
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