Holly bush - planting, care, types and varieties with photos

Extremely ornamental hollies look so attractive that many wonder about growing this plant in their own garden.

These shrubs have unique features and easily adapt to different conditions, so despite being sensitive to frost, holly is unpretentious in care and resistant to pests and diseases.

Holly (Ilex) is the only surviving genus of plants in the Holly family, which contains about 400 species of low trees and shrubs, growing primarily in tropical or subtropical regions.

In mythology, holly leaves symbolize love and hope, and for centuries the plant was believed to have magical properties and bring good luck. The Celts and Germans worshiped the tree and planted it to ward off witches and evil forces.

Description of holly

In favorable climatic conditions, trees can reach several meters in height, but in our gardens they are spreading shrubs or small trees, reaching a maximum of 2-2.5 meters.

Depending on the type, plants can be evergreen or deciduous. The leaves are leathery, often spiny, shiny, dark green or variegated in variegated varieties.

Fragrant flowering occurs in May-June and, unlike fruits, the flowers do not have decorative value, but after they fade, numerous drupes of red, yellow, carmine or orange color are formed, which remain on the shoots until spring.

Silver goosefoot - planting and care

In early spring, winter and autumn, when most plantings wither, holly becomes the main bright accent of the garden, contrasting especially effectively against the background of snow.

Holly berries in winter

It should be borne in mind that holly is a dioecious plant and to obtain fruit from female specimens, it is necessary to plant one male seedling.

Important! Holly fruit is toxic if swallowed. Sensitivity to the toxin depends on the age, weight, physical condition and individual susceptibility of the person.

Cypress pea

Variety: “Filifera Aurea Nana”

Another miniature bush. But this time it's evergreen. The cypress plant attracts gardeners and landscape designers, first of all, with its thread-like shoots, and secondly, with its compactness. The maximum height of a cypress tree is a meter. The maximum diameter of the bush is one and a half meters. But for this representative of the evergreen flora to reach such a size, many years must pass. Within 12 months, the pea-bearing cypress tree grows a maximum of four centimeters. Requires very little space. Looks ideal in rock gardens and rockeries.

Cypress is best planted in acidic soil. The location should not be shady, since the lack of sunlight negatively affects the color of the shoots. The golden hue of the green mass of this shrub becomes more saturated over time, making it easy to understand where the cypress shoots are old and where the young ones are. But this does not spoil the appearance of the plant at all. From a distance, this mix looks like a balayage technique on long women’s hair.

Types and varieties of holly with photos

Holly or European holly (Ilex aquifolium) from central Europe is the most popular species in garden culture. It is an evergreen bush or small tree with a conical crown. The annual growth is about 20 cm in height.

The leaves are dark green, shiny with characteristic spiny teeth. Coral-red fruits ripen in autumn. In Europe, holly sprigs are used to make wreaths and other Christmas decorations.

The most beautiful varieties of this species include:

  • variegated variety “Silver Queen” - in the spring, pinkish leaves bloom on young, purple shoots, which by summer acquire a dark green color with a wide cream edging;
  • "Madame Briot" is a very decorative cultivar with bright yellow edges and spots on a dark green foliage background, the berries are orange-red;

"Madame Briot"

  • "Argenteomarginata" - the pride of this variety is not only its dark red fruits, but also its dark green leaves with white or silver edges.
  • "Aureomarginata" - foliage with very sharp teeth, green color with golden yellow border;

"Aureomarginata" in garden design

  • "Amber" is distinguished by the apricot color of its numerous fruits;
  • varietal series “Golden Van Tol” and “Silver Van Tol” are small, spreading bushes with dark green leaves decorated with yellow and silver edging.

“Golden Van Tol”
These cultivars do not require male specimens to set fruit.

Holly altaclerensis (Ilex × altaclerensis) is a hybrid that was developed in England at Highclere Castle (Hampshire) in 1835 by crossing I. aquifolium and the heat-loving species I. perado.

The following varieties have received the RHS (Royal Horticultural Society) certificate from the Royal Horticultural Society - one of the leading horticultural organizations in the world:

"Golden King" - purple stems with leaves, the edges of which are decorated with a wide yellow edge, some leaves are completely lemon yellow, dark red berries;

"Golden King"

"Lawsoniana" - almost spineless foliage with bright yellow and pale green spots, dark red berries;

Cultivars also look impressive: “Belgica Aurea”, “Golden King”, “Camelliifolia”.

Meserve's holly (Ilex x meservae) is another highly ornamental hybrid, created by housewife Kathleen K. Meserve of St. James by crossing holly and Japanese species.

As a result, a series of cultivars were obtained, most of which are known under the name “blue holly” (Blue Hollies), for example: “Blue Girl”, “Blue Boy”, “Blue Princess”.

Holly "Blue Boy"

Such interesting varieties have also been created as “Castle Gold” with golden-green foliage or “Little Rascal” - a compact and slow-growing variety with shiny leaves with serrated edges, the dark green color of which is partially colored in copper-red shades in the cold.

Crenate holly (Ilex crenata) is also known as small-leaved holly. It is an evergreen shrub that can freeze in winter, so it should be protected from frost and strong winter winds.

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A characteristic feature of the species are small leaves, somewhat reminiscent of boxwood. This plant prefers fertile, acidic soils and does not tolerate wetlands.

Varieties of this type

Golden Gem holly is a small and compact evergreen with bright golden yellow foliage. It is best grown in a sunny location in moist but well-drained soil. Withstands frosts down to – 15 °C.

Variety "Golden Jam"

Holly crenata "Glory Gem" (Glory Gem) is a compact, frost-resistant bush of a semicircular shape, reaching 80-150 cm in height. Both varieties are ideal for forming low hedges and topiary.

Whorled holly (Ilex verticillata). A dense, deciduous shrub up to 2 m high with bright green oval or spear-shaped leaves and serrated but not spiny edges.

Ilex verticillata

Discreet greenish-white flowers appear on female plants in spring followed by clusters of bright red berries in September.

Japanese holly (Ilex pedunculosa) is a small tree with a compact, pyramidal shape that grows to approximately 2 m in height. It has very high frost resistance.

Ilex pedunculosa

Interesting! One of the most amazing collections of holly varieties in the world is located in France. Pierre Paris, the owner of land in Maine-sur-Loire, turned his plot into a national garden where only this plant is grown. The Pierre Paris collection includes more than 400 different varietal forms.

Bladderwort viburnum

Variety: “Darts Gold”

Bladderwort is a chameleon plant. It is a fairly miniature and compact bush, the young foliage of which has a golden hue. Over time and closer to mid-summer, the color of the leaves of the bladderwort changes, and a distinct lemon tint appears on the foliage. But with the arrival of the autumn season, when many trees turn crimson, this bush becomes orange-copper-gold - very beautiful and bright. In other words, at any time of the year (except, of course, winter), the foliage of the Darts Gold variety looks very decorative.

The bladderwort blooms quite interestingly. Its small cream flowers are collected in lush corymbs. After flowering is completed, small scarlet berries appear in place of the flowers, which make the bush even more aesthetically pleasing and attractive than before.

Holly planting

These shrubs grow well in both shade and sun, but variegated varieties show off their vibrant colors best in sunny locations. Plants prefer evenly moist, fertile, well-drained soils with a neutral or slightly acidic pH (pH 5.5-6.5).

Due to the sensitivity of many varieties to severe frost, it is recommended to plant holly in warm places protected from frosty winds, for example, under the cover of walls, fences or tall trees.

Seedlings can be planted in containers throughout the season, but spring is best for planting bushes with an open root system. The hole for the seedling should be 2 times larger than the root system.

Spring planting of trees and shrubs

If the soil in the garden is poor, it is recommended to mix the soil from the hole with compost or a small part of rotted manure before planting. If the soil pH is alkaline or neutral, add bark, pine needles or peat moss to the soil to increase the acidity.

The roots are placed in the hole and the planting depth is adjusted so that the root collar of the seedling is slightly above ground level. The planting hole is filled with earth, compacted and watered well. It is recommended to mulch the soil in the root zone with a layer of compost or wood chips 5-7 cm high.


Variety: “Fortune Emerald ' n Gold”

This variety of euonymus is often chosen for landscaping urban locations and metropolitan areas. And all because this representative of the flora is not capricious at all. It is ideal for Ukrainian realities, as it copes well and survives in the conditions of the middle zone. Euonymus is a plant characterized by high frost resistance. However, even an insignificant frost can destroy a bush if we are talking about late frosts: sharp temperature changes that occur after warm weather have a detrimental effect on the health of the euonymus.

Euonymus will delight you with the golden hue of its leaves only if you choose shade or openwork partial shade for it from all the locations available on the site. In the sun, the shrub feels very bad: direct sunlight burns the euonymus foliage and leaves dry wounds on it.

Holly care after planting

Once planted and established, hollies do not require special care or attention. In the first 2 years, seedlings need regular watering, and grown specimens are irrigated only during dry periods, and abundant watering is also carried out at the end of autumn in the absence of precipitation.

Meserve's holly variety "Little Rascal"

In hot weather, it is advisable to provide these plants with increased air humidity by spraying water on the crown. To reduce moisture evaporation, the ground around the plantings is mulched every year in the spring with wood chips or compost, which also serves as a nutritional supplement for the plants.


Shrubs tolerate formative pruning very well, so they are often used to create topiary figures or trimmed hedges.

Hedge of the Blue Princess variety

The timing in this case is an important factor, since after the procedure the plant produces new shoots that are sensitive to sudden changes in temperature and frost.

Thus, it is better to carry out formative pruning of evergreen species not in spring or autumn, but in early summer, so that young branches are not damaged by frost. Be prepared for fewer berries on the bushes as cutting removes most of the summer flowers.

In general, evergreen hollies have a beautiful natural form and can only be thinned out a little periodically, which leads to improved shoot growth, access to good air circulation and sun, reducing the risk of developing fungal diseases.

Deciduous hollies should be thinned each year in early spring to improve shape and encourage new growth. Old stems thicker than a thumb are cut back to the ground, but never more than one-third of the bush is removed.

Sanitary pruning of bushes

They also cut off all dry, weak or very thin branches, as well as those that extend too far beyond the main part of the crown.

Branches that show signs of disease should be pruned back to healthy wood to prevent the spread or recurrence of any disease.

While this renewal pruning may seem drastic, it is the best way to maintain the health and natural beauty of deciduous hollies.


Evergreen varieties do not tolerate temperatures below - 15-20 ° C and can freeze in cold, snowless winters. In regions with harsh winters they require protection.

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It is best to use white agrotextiles or coniferous tree branches for this purpose. They will protect the plant from cold and dry wind.

It is also worth mulching the soil around the holly with peat or a high layer of crushed bark, which will protect the roots from freezing. In spring, frozen bushes recover quite well.

Application in garden design

Varieties with dark green shiny leaves are an excellent background for flowering bulbs in the spring, as well as for bright annuals and perennials. Evergreen varieties look impressive in the form of a tree on a trunk. They are often used in potted gardening of gardens and terraces.

Holly tree on a trunk

Low-growing in a group composition, for example, in a campaign with other ornamental trees and shrubs: barberry, mahonia, euonymus, rhododendron, spirea, elderberry, Japanese maple and representatives of conifers.

Tall bushes, especially those with a topiary haircut, look good as a tapeworm.

Deciduous varieties with their bright berries on bare shoots perfectly complement landscape winter compositions with dogwood, heather and ornamental grasses.

Author: Yulia Demchenko Published: September 08, 2021

Spiraea japonica

Variety: “Golden Princess”

This variety of spirea is represented by a miniature and fairly compact bush, the height of which rarely exceeds 0.6 meters. Japanese spirea is frost-resistant and undemanding. Taking care of her is a real pleasure. To form something especially beautiful from the “Golden Princesses”, it is enough to trim the bush as you consider necessary. Spiraea reacts absolutely calmly to pruning. She is not afraid of illnesses, she is not afraid of pests: insects attack the “golden princess” extremely rarely, so there is no need for prevention.

In spring, Japanese spirea foliage turns a color that is somewhere between red and orange. Around mid-summer, the green mass of the “golden princess” acquires a distinct lemon tint. Another month and a half will pass - and the bush will again change into gold and copper. Ideal partners for Japanese spirea in a mixborder or rockery are lavender and St. John's wort. The plant looks great in low border plantings and as part of alpine slides.

Japanese spirea variety “Golden Princess” blooms with pink inflorescences. The first flowers appear in June. Flowering continues until the end of the second summer month.

Juniper squamosus

Variety: “Blue Star”

The ideal resident of a mini-garden is the Blue Star juniper. Over the course of a year, this undeniable beauty with silvery shoots grows a maximum of eight centimeters. It is very short and compact. It takes up minimal space and looks its best.

It is worth saying that young juniper shoots are still more turquoise, with a small admixture of gray. But over time they become distinctly silver. Juniper looks most beautiful in a rock garden. It also feels great in various kinds of rock gardens. Landscape designers often use this plant to design the first level of multi-level planting, which consists exclusively of representatives of evergreen species.

Artemisia tree

Variety: “Povis Castle”

It’s unusual to see such a tall and spreading wormwood, isn’t it? The height of this plant sometimes reaches one and a half meters. Therefore, the tree-like wormwood of this variety received a second popular name. Among themselves, gardeners call this representative of the flora “God’s tree.” Perhaps also because “Powis Castle” protects the plants surrounding it from pests: the stems of wormwood contain essential oils that give the bush a special aroma and repel harmful insects.

If you decide to plant tree wormwood in your garden, filling it with silver and aroma, choose a sunny location for the plant. It is important that the soil is well drained. In this case, the wormwood will grow intensively and quickly. True, once the tree-like wormwood reaches a certain size, it will need support. It can fit perfectly into an alpine hill or a composition with cereal crops, in which wormwood looks especially advantageous and bright.

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Buddleya David

Variety: “Silver Anniversary”

When Buddleia Davida blooms, the aroma spreads for many kilometers around. The flowers of this shrub can be either nude or lavender. In this variety they are snow-white, sorted by nature into small panicles. Buddleia is a great way to attract bees and other beneficial insects to your garden. Not to mention the fact that it is pleasant for a person to be where this shrub with silvery branches blooms and smells of honey notes.

Buddleia Davida grows very quickly. But probably, for landscape design this is a big plus, not a minus. True, in the first two or three years this shrub will have to be given maximum attention: at a young age it needs total care, since our climatic conditions can hardly be called habitual for this plant. Over time, buddleia gets used to Ukrainian realities - and grows on its own. The only thing you have to do constantly is trim the bushes. Because if this is not done, the representative of the flora will lose its decorative effect in the blink of an eye.

In the United States, the sale of propagating Buddleia Davida is prohibited, except as sterile cultivars. The problem is that the climate of some regions of this country is so suitable for the bush that it reproduces very intensively and occupies large areas.

Silver goof

Silver oleaster (or simply olive, as this plant is called in the regions of Eastern Ukraine) is beautiful, first of all, because it does not belong to the category of chameleon plants. From the moment the foliage appears in early spring until late autumn, the leaves on this wonderful tree do not change their color: they always remain as if silvered.

In its natural habitat, silver eagles like to grow near water. Around the beginning of June, the tree begins its flowering period, due to which a pleasant and recognizable aroma spreads for kilometers around. When the bush is six or seven years old, it begins to bear fruit. The scaly berries of this representative of the flora are edible, and many of you probably enjoyed them in childhood.

It is beneficial to combine silver oleaster with plants that have lemon, gold or reddish foliage. Against their background, the sucker looks especially advantageous. As, indeed, they are on him. Representatives of evergreens will also be ideal partners for suckers. For example, juniper or thuja. Or blue spruce.

Silver oleaster is loved by landscape designers not only for its exceptional decorativeness, but also for its well-developed root system, thanks to which the shrub can be used to strengthen slopes.

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